Is DivorceCare For Me?
Divorce is one of the most painful experiences you can face. So many
emotions. So many challenges. You don't have to go through it alone.
DivorceCare offers support, answers, and practical tools to help you manage the many stresses of separation and divorce and find healing.
If you could use help with any of the topics below, DivorceCare is for you.
DivorceCare Topics
Emotional healing
Deep hurt
Grief & depression
Fears & anxiety
Overcoming relationship struggles
Family & friends after divorce
Interacting with your ex
Handling practical challenges
Single living
Financial & legal issues
Moving forward

How Will DivorceCare Help Me Heal?
DivorceCare is a 13-week support group that helps you heal from the pain of separation or divorce. The experience involves three main components designed to help in that healing. The components are: video seminar; focused support group; and participant guide.
Where and When are
DivorceCare Meetings?
We meet at CrossWay Christian Fellowship
18501 Maugans Avenue
Hagerstown, MD 21742
We meet on Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM
For more information, email: divorcecare@mycrossway.org