What is American Heritage Girls?
American Heritage Girls (AHG) was founded by a group of parents wanting a faith-based, scout-type character development program for their daughters in 1995. The AHG Program is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. AHG girls across the nation and the globe participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences, all with an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement.
Tell me more about Troop 5168
We are a new AHG troop, and we were inspired to start our troop when we saw the need and success of our Trail Life Troop (if you have a son, click for more information)! Our Troop Coordinator is Susan Jones, and she has recruited women of integrity to help lead this troop. All leaders receive a comprehensive background check and training by AHG.
When & where are our meetings?
We currently meet three weekends a month at Crossway Christian Fellowship. For more information regarding our meetings, please fill out the form below or email ahgmd5168@gmail.com.
Is it OK to visit?

Yes! We would love to meet you! Feel free to contact us by filling out the form below to let us know you are coming.
Learn more!
Fill out this form and a leader of our AHG Troop will get in contact with you. Or check out our Facebook page!