Our 5 W's of Ministry
We will make healthy, biblically literate disciples who make other disciples using the “The 5-W’s”: Word, Worship, Witness, Warmth, and Works. Putting God’s Word first, Crossway Christian Fellowship will use these 5-Ws to help shape and plan how we will know, live, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:42-47).

The Word is the hub of discipleship and spiritual growth in the believer’s life. Knowing that the Bible is God’s inspired Word from Genesis to Revelation, we will strive to be a biblically literate church. With a strong understanding of Scripture, our church will be spiritually healthy by allowing the Word to change our lives instead of changing the Word for our preferences. Therefore, teaching God’s Word at Crossway Christian Fellowship is prioritized in all ministries and formats, and they will be held to the highest standards. (Psalm 119:105; Matthew 7:24; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; James 1:22)

Worship is more than music. It is a perpetual lifestyle of honoring God with our lips and service without ceasing. We recognize that music is a crucial element God gives to teach biblical and doctrinal truths. Our worship services will maintain an atmosphere of reverence for our Lord while building community with the saints. Our worship will be familiar with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The elements of our worship services will be scripturally and doctrinally pure. Our worship services will help those who come to Crossway Christian Fellowship to know Jesus on Sunday and live faithfully as worshippers all week. (Psalm 100; Psalm 150; John 4:23-24; Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 5:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Revelation 4:11, 5:13)

Witness upholds the truth that Jesus gave the Great Commission to all believers. Therefore, we commit to teaching our church how to know continually, live, and share the Gospel. We are a church from a broad region. We recognize that our mission field is our homes, neighborhoods, businesses, and anywhere within our personal circles. Personal evangelism is more effective than an event. In our witness, we will intentionally share the Gospel in our community and the rest of the world through evangelism and missions to share the hope of Christ Jesus our Lord. (Matthew 5:15; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; Acts 13:47)

Warmth is our fellowship with each other. Our goal is for people to be welcomed by our congregation and help them take the next steps in their faith. We will warmly welcome and love each other as a church family. We encourage fellowship before and after the service to help build relationships. We will provide a follow-up with everyone who visits our church. We will provide regular fellowship opportunities to enjoy community together. (Psalm 55:14; Philemon 1:6;1 John 1:3).

Works is the necessary value required for Crossway to function efficiently and properly. How we operate administratively, care for our facilities, treat each other, and manage our finances reflect our message as a church for the Kingdom of God. All these parts of our church must operate together in unity. We empower our Board of Overseers to be a governing body that constantly sets the bar to make sure Crossway Christian Fellowship is the church God intended it to be. Therefore, the Board of Overseers and the pastors have a spiritual responsibility for godly oversight to keep Crossway firmly rooted in its mission. (Matthew 6:33; John 12:26; Galatians 5:13; Colossians 3:23; James 1:27)